The world is sad in case of bad trade.
about 6,700 million population is in the world.
The method of not having been told which makes this world people contribute to the present economy explosively is shown this page.
You As long as it sympathizes with to this
The world is made as follows in an Utopia..
how? and what begin?
Only [food, an energy transmission means , and hotel cost are on a worldwide scale set down priced.
if Super-budget prices discount used in this only 4point.
big change will happen by this 4 poit
It is necessary to start a price revolution here in the international world.
An economic effect when the persons in the world make a sightseeing tour simultaneous?
Probably, the world will forget a "economical depression" and this word .
imagines and looking-does worth of that.
Can't a country here and there maintain frames with hundreds of considerable years or more, such as GDP, only by it? about 6,700 million peoples moneys will increase i think..
It seems that a part of burdens increase apparently.
but What is necessary is just to prepare an amount-of-money option setup.
Minus disappears in the increase in a goods flow and movement of food, a person, etc. in the country of new many.
All people find out pleasure at all the places in the world. How much peoples is it joy and join.How wonderful world.(^_^)
Fortunate degree. what a Fortunate degree-of-satisfaction index point? ]
a revolutionary effect
please appreciate and get many pleasing items .., then the world become very good!
Economy improves.
The economic recovery in the world is ..What easy?
It is because the world did not move simultaneously until now.
if A little it is only will change!! someone say [I go to Greece for help.]
World heritage and Historical art of each country and
All the members in the world are Human heritage = world historical product.
You participate.
flutter freely, and merely appreciate and taste the product.
Further It does not stop only at this.
someone deals in the goods which put and created with love freely, without buying a ready-made original article goods ..etc.The product of your handmaid is merely one to the world..It should be dealt in. the world -- only one -- valuable your hobbys art goods or another art picture or artistic photo.. Which does everybody choose compared with many ready-made articles? The talent for everyone to surely shine should be demonstrated.
Thereby, the demand which will increases rapidly by The tourist who visits..
Probably, they are the works which only you can prepare on this earth?
The money which did not flow until now will begin to circulate like a big river.
jobless people are saved by this. which enable many jobless people do the sightseeing in trade.
Which has an interesting product (food, a curio, art, and customary ruins) with which neither the land which becomes sightseeing, nor its area is paved on the earth?
Even if it starts throughout life, you may look at all and may be unable to turn.
The song of the country is taught and it suits each other.we are together.
The uneasiness of eating with unemployment, etc. are not considered. Let's Dancing with your countrys song .. Is it impossible?
if Super-budget prices was used in this 4point.
Only food, and an energy transmission means and hotel cost are on a worldwide scale down priced.
(I do not independently desire a gorgeous meal..) Probably, it is more pleasant..
The global revolution world economic effect?
6700000000 ⋆ xxxxxxx =(~ ~;) Great Gross national World Product!!!
taking a walk in the country which is not experiencing with people who have not talked until now -- "hello", "what is this?", and "i have never heard --what was seen " -- the culture of your country is good!!
greatest Large number of people can do business comfortably only by traveling, and world will turn up more good.
If the present generation builds this base
how many people your son and Grandchild.Heavenly one will also smile.
Which feels definite aim in life with future?
this is great!!
World heritage and Historical art of each country and
which you made art(picture,photo,music novel) original goods, etc
= Humanbeings' of products Historical an art of each country area
this Human beings' fruits will make other subculture
New product and love - and others of the scale of which many will be brought forth only by all the members in the world alternating.
How you give the child of the country which is not obtained by satisfaction paints, and draw a picture for him even for food may be taught.
Moreover, other will give something and will help a child.
In a some town, race dancing and music live is performed in an event all day long.
And it is left behind to record.
You will also direct one of them.
this forever World Human heritage
It is a thing from ancient times and there are even some disappearing in Japan.
the inheritance [ that maintenance cost is high ] which should be exceeded.
In the world now and it is too.
All the members in the world flutter freely, and merely travel
Money circulates all over the world.
A poor country disappears.
The world economy is changed into stabilized economy free from depression.
Your help is required.
Please cooperate in realization of the plan which changes this world!
A service industry, and culture and art are the industries from which the world can also be saved.The world will change, before the evocation of demand with which the world cooperated was scarce.
express this know how your way we can make It if it is brains of 6,700 million in the world!!
i call this project "*a star no risk project*"
about 6,700 million population is in the world.
The method of not having been told which makes this world people contribute to the present economy explosively is shown this page.
You As long as it sympathizes with to this
The world is made as follows in an Utopia..
If everybody is able to travel anywhere also by whom [ in the world ]and -- if It is able to easy ..
how? and what begin?
Which has an economic big effect in the world?
Only [food, an energy transmission means , and hotel cost are on a worldwide scale set down priced.
if Super-budget prices discount used in this only 4point.
big change will happen by this 4 poit
It is necessary to start a price revolution here in the international world.
An economic effect when the persons in the world make a sightseeing tour simultaneous?
Probably, the world will forget a "economical depression" and this word .
imagines and looking-does worth of that.
Can't a country here and there maintain frames with hundreds of considerable years or more, such as GDP, only by it? about 6,700 million peoples moneys will increase i think..
It seems that a part of burdens increase apparently.
but What is necessary is just to prepare an amount-of-money option setup.
Minus disappears in the increase in a goods flow and movement of food, a person, etc. in the country of new many.
All people find out pleasure at all the places in the world. How much peoples is it joy and join.How wonderful world.(^_^)
Fortunate degree. what a Fortunate degree-of-satisfaction index point? ]
a revolutionary effect
please appreciate and get many pleasing items .., then the world become very good!
Economy improves.
The economic recovery in the world is ..What easy?
It is because the world did not move simultaneously until now.
if A little it is only will change!! someone say [I go to Greece for help.]

All the members in the world are Human heritage = world historical product.
You participate.
flutter freely, and merely appreciate and taste the product.
Further It does not stop only at this.
someone deals in the goods which put and created with love freely, without buying a ready-made original article goods ..etc.The product of your handmaid is merely one to the world..It should be dealt in. the world -- only one -- valuable your hobbys art goods or another art picture or artistic photo.. Which does everybody choose compared with many ready-made articles? The talent for everyone to surely shine should be demonstrated.
Thereby, the demand which will increases rapidly by The tourist who visits..
Probably, they are the works which only you can prepare on this earth?
The money which did not flow until now will begin to circulate like a big river.
jobless people are saved by this. which enable many jobless people do the sightseeing in trade.
Which has an interesting product (food, a curio, art, and customary ruins) with which neither the land which becomes sightseeing, nor its area is paved on the earth?
Even if it starts throughout life, you may look at all and may be unable to turn.
The song of the country is taught and it suits each other.we are together.
The uneasiness of eating with unemployment, etc. are not considered. Let's Dancing with your countrys song .. Is it impossible?
if Super-budget prices was used in this 4point.
The manufacturing cost of the nuclear weapon of 20,000 or more shots which human beings manufactured?Was mankind very foolish?
The hurdle which makes this possible? Only food, and an energy transmission means and hotel cost are on a worldwide scale down priced.
(I do not independently desire a gorgeous meal..) Probably, it is more pleasant..
The global revolution world economic effect?
6700000000 ⋆ xxxxxxx =(~ ~;) Great Gross national World Product!!!
taking a walk in the country which is not experiencing with people who have not talked until now -- "hello", "what is this?", and "i have never heard --what was seen " -- the culture of your country is good!!
greatest Large number of people can do business comfortably only by traveling, and world will turn up more good.
If the present generation builds this base
how many people your son and Grandchild.Heavenly one will also smile.
Which feels definite aim in life with future?
this is great!!
World heritage and Historical art of each country and
which you made art(picture,photo,music novel) original goods, etc
= Humanbeings' of products Historical an art of each country area
this Human beings' fruits will make other subculture
New product and love - and others of the scale of which many will be brought forth only by all the members in the world alternating.
How you give the child of the country which is not obtained by satisfaction paints, and draw a picture for him even for food may be taught.
Moreover, other will give something and will help a child.
In a some town, race dancing and music live is performed in an event all day long.
And it is left behind to record.
You will also direct one of them.
this forever World Human heritage
It is a thing from ancient times and there are even some disappearing in Japan.
the inheritance [ that maintenance cost is high ] which should be exceeded.
In the world now and it is too.
All the members in the world flutter freely, and merely travel
Money circulates all over the world.
A poor country disappears.
The world economy is changed into stabilized economy free from depression.
Your help is required.
Please cooperate in realization of the plan which changes this world!
A service industry, and culture and art are the industries from which the world can also be saved.The world will change, before the evocation of demand with which the world cooperated was scarce.
express this know how your way we can make It if it is brains of 6,700 million in the world!!
i call this project "*a star no risk project*"